The cheese language offers all cheese lovers and cheese connoisseurs – who encounter cheese either professionally or due to a personal passion – extensive suggestions to express the particular qualities of hay milk and hay milk cheese as natural products. It is intended as a basis to discuss and communicate their own preferences, indicate the common features that special cheese varieties share or find ways to tell them apart.
Various flavours and intensities
The presentation below of various hay milk products provides you with an overview of all kinds of dairy products and cheese specialities, from mountain cheese to sweet cream butter and goat’s cheese. After all, cheese becomes even more pleasurable if it is vividly described!

Hay milk – pasteurised
Strong creamy aroma, accompanied by butter, meadow flowers and banana.…
Hay milk – raw milk
Opens with aromas of cream and charming biscuit notes. Also…
Sweet cream butter
While cream and buttermilk are among the expected aromas, while…
Sour cream butter
This butter reveals its origins with a refreshing aroma of…
A perfect representative of this type of cheese with its…
Mature Camembert
The white mould flora exude the typical mushroom aromas. There…
Goat’s Camembert
This goat Camembert reveals vegetable aromas of mushroom, cauliflower, moss,…
Goat’s cheese
Extremely varied spectrum of aromas with banana, toasted white bread,…
Tiroler Graukäse PDO (Tyrolean grey cheese)
This cheese is an acquired taste. The aroma is just…
Classic Tilsiter cheese
Very calm bouquet that begins with refreshing buttermilk aromas and…
Mondseer cheese
The finely acidic aroma of buttermilk is followed by a…
Red culture soft cheese, medium strength
Pronounced aroma of roast peanut. The roasted impression is confirmed…
Red culture soft cheese, strong
Clear notes of ammonia are characteristic of this cheese. Also…
Bachensteiner cheese
Prominent bouquet of aromas that extends from ammonia, fresh yeast…
Emmentaler cheese
The fruity and vegetable aromas are clearly dominant. Walnut, hay,…
Emmental cheese, in natural rind, matured for 3 months
Emphatically bright bouquet of aromas with pineapple, honey, almond and…
Emmental cheese, in natural rind, matured for 10 months
The first impression is created by the seemingly sweet cream,…
Vorarlberger Bergkäse PDO (Vorarlberg mountain cheese), 3 months
The fresh rind exudes a fine, malty and roasted bouquet,…
Vorarlberger Bergkäse PDO (Vorarlberg mountain cheese), matured for 6 months
Fresh bouquets of sour cream, citrus fruit and meadow flowers…
Vorarlberger Alpkäse PDO (Vorarlberg alpine cheese), matured for 12 months
On the nose, rich aromas of dried fruit and peanut…
Tiroler Bergkäse PDO (Tyrolean mountain cheese), matured for 3 months
Starts with rich scent of passion fruit and then moves…
Tiroler Bergkäse PDO (Tyrolean mountain cheese), matured for 6 months
Fresh hay, peanut and passion fruit are present from the…
Tiroler Bergkäse PDO (Tyrolean mountain cheese), matured for 12 months
The aroma of honey, passion fruit and nutmeg inspire associations…
Styrian mountain cheese, matured for 3 months
Bright aromatic bouquet of sour cream, butter and young wood.…
Styrian mountain cheese, matured for 6 months
The invigorating aroma of buttermilk and fresh cream conjures up…
Styrian mountain cheese, matured for 12 months
The bouquet of aromas includes toasted white bread, malt, passion…
Vorarlberger Alpkäse PDO (Vorarlberg alpine cheese), matured for 6 months
Toasted white bread and malt are the dominant aromas. Buttermilk…
Tiroler Almkäse PDO (Tyrolean meadow cheese), matured for 6 months
The initial predominance of fragrant passion fruit, walnut and malt…