For hay milk farmers

Hay, the most natural way of feeding

A species-appropriate feeding with fresh grasses and herbs in summer and hay in winter, not only tastes good to the hay milk cows, it also brings many other benefits for animal welfare, milk quality and biodiversity.
EU quality label TSG "traditional speciality guaranteed"
Heumilch g.t.S. - guaranteed traditional specialty - stands for a special protection and for even more quality and genuineness.

The 10 commandments of hay drying

What is important to consider when drying hay?

What is important to consider when drying hay?

To ensure that nothing stands in the way of successful hay drying, a few "commandments" must be observed. What do you have to pay attention to during drying and what influence does baling have on round bales? What to do in bad weather? Our "10 commandments of hay drying" know the answer.
10 commandments of hay drying